Roland Demleitner
Professional Experience
1987 until
1990 academic assistant of member of German Parlament Hermann Fellner, Bonn; working on domestically and on environmental legislation especially packaging subjects
Since 1989 Consultant and main representative of the Bundesverband mittelständischer Privatbrauereien e.V. – the Association of small, regional and independent Breweries in Germany – with about 800 breweries as members.
Since 1995 Independent lawyer with an own law office in Limburg / Germany
Since 2003 also General manager of the Association of small and independent breweries in Europe, in which the independent regional brewers are organized
Other Skills
Chairman of the “Unterstützungskasse mittelständischer Privatbrauereien e.V.”, Limburg
Vize-Chairman of the “ZukunftsWerkstatt Handwerk e.V.“, Freiburg
Member of the “Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes”