Evgeny Goncharov
Born in Kursk, date of birth 30.05.1989
Has incomplete higher education in Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I.I. Ivanov at the faculty of “Agrotechnology”, in specialty of “technologist”.
In 2012 worked as an operator in LLC Forpost “Czech lion”. From January 2015 transferred to the position of the master, from September 2015 – technologist and since July – chief technologist in Kursk brewing company “Czech lion”.
Awarded the diploma “Best by profession” by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture E.V. Gromyko
Took a course of training “Brewers’ school” drawn up by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Meledina T.V. according to the program “Brewing innovation technology 2015”.
Took part in III St.-Petersburg brewer’s forum in 2017.
Participated in the seminar “Colloid and flavor of beer stability, organized by International Research Center “Beer and beverages of XXI century” in Moscow.
According to the program Dr.-Ing., took a course “Brewers’ school” as an expert on sensory-important component and tasting of Lebedeva E.P. in 2015.
“Theory and practice of beer tasting. Forming of of flavouring beer profile”.
In 2019 took part in the training seminar “European brewing traditions”, Prague, Czech Republic